Tuesday 22 December 2009


-- 8 Ways to Build Greater Wealth and Prosperity with Feng Shui
By Katryn Weber

When you're ready to create positive change in your financial life, it's helpful to use the rule of nine. The rule of nine means making nine different changes with the intent to create movement and energy in a particular area.
By building on different areas of energy in feng shui with the intent to create greater prosperity, you'll be compounding your money chi - and that will compound your wealth.
Follow these nine steps to help you unstick your personal blockages to wealth and help you energize your home for prosperity and your life for greater abundance and security.
  1. Get support. Having support is critical to monetary success. If your home has ground that slopes down or away from the back of your house, it's difficult to accumulate wealth and the going is very hard with many struggles. Every home benefits from Black Turtle support. If your house has no higher ground behind, consider making a mound of dirt to create turtle support behind you or add a picture of a turtle or tortoise in the north corner of your home. Lastly, you can also add a figure of a turtle in the north corner of the living room.
  2. Protect the breadwinner.Whoever earns the money, earns the respect of protection. Money - and those who earn it - must be respected and supported. When there is little regard for the person who earns the money and keeps the household going, there is little energy for growth. Although we are a modern society, it doesn't mean everyone in the household is subservient to the breadwinner. It means, though, there is a regard and appreciation for the money that the breadwinner - man or woman - makes. When the appreciation is shown, it will help the breadwinner to move ahead and grow even more prosperous - and that helps everyone in the family.
  3. Strengthen the woman. Even though men are often the breadwinners in the household, the woman's position must also be protected. This is especially true if she's the breadwinner. Be sure to enhance and activate the southwest corner to keep the woman safe, enhanced and cherished. This includes activating the house so that the woman will earn more money, too. The southwest is the indirect spirit direction and it's enhanced by water. Place a beautiful urn, pond, or waterfall in the southwest corner of the garden to help the woman of the household move ahead financially. In 2010, this is especially helpful as women are more likely to undergo surgeries, re-think their lives and head in new directions, or strip away unnecessary burdens. The water will help to soothe them and create prosperity energy, too.
  4. Fortify the front. Make sure that you pay particular attention to the front of your house. A home with tidy plantings, pretty flowers, attractive door, and harmonized entry will inspire wealth and opportunity chi to enter the house. Make the entrance harmonized with the direction of the front door so that you'll bring wealth into the house. A black door is very auspicious for east, southeast, southwest, and north doors. Use purple for the northeast, west, northwest or southwest. Avoid hanging windchimes at the front of the house unless there is a poison arrow aimed at the house. Otherwise, the chimes will direct energy away from the house. If it's been a while since you've made any changes at the front of your house, consider re-energizing it with a black door mat, some new plantings, or a fresh coat of paint on the door.
  5. Safeguard your wealth. Feng shui wealth enhancement covers many types of wealth and income. There are different types of money, such as generating money and accumulated money. Feng shui incorporates both types of wealth. Too often people focus simply on generating money but pay little, if any, attention to accumulated wealth. Most Chinese families have a rice urn that they keep filled. This represents safeguarded wealth. Safeguarded wealth is accumulated money that you never, ever touch. It is reinforced by regular contributions. Yes, your dad's advice to save regularly was good feng shui. Even a small amount applied over time can become significant. Do you have a retirement savings or other safeguarded wealth? If not, start one and create a place for yourself where you have money that you never touch. Just knowing it's there becomes symbolic support for you. In my own life, I have several retirement plans and two wealth vases. These are wonderful activators for wealth safeguarding to have in your home. Build them as you find the ingredients and keep them away from the eyes of others. This will symbolically enhance more accumulated wealth in your life.
  6. Activate yourself. Feng shui is also about man luck - the kind of luck you create. By making simple changes to yourself, you'll see a difference in how you perceive yourself and how others perceive you. Are you fond of wearing black all the time? Why not switch to a lighter, brighter color? Try wearing your Kua number success color for a week - or better still the color that makes it using five element theory. For example, my kua number is 4 and my success color is black, the color of water. What makes water? Metal. The colors associated with metal are white, gray, gold and silver. So, I'll often wear white with big, chunky silver or gold jewelry to important meetings and social occasions.Another change is your handwriting. I know several entrepreneurs and I observe their signatures. One has a very compressed, tight signature. That means money is tight, too - and that she's uptight. This person suffers from stress headaches. The other has a very loopy, open signature and money comes effortlessly on the "waves" of her signature! Changing yourself often includes changing your situation and the influences on your life. If your social network brings you down or anyone makes you feel bad about yourself or drains your energy, it's hard to feel good - or prosperous. Work at removing any social or personal influences that depress your energy or make you feel bad.
  7. Beautify your home. While it's fun to concentrate on activating your home with feng shui symbols, the simple act of cleaning and clearing out your home allows fresh energy to enter and flow throughout your home. When your home's energy changes - the energy of your life changes, including your prosperity. I've been to the homes of many very wealthy people and they are kept very clean. This simple act of regular cleaning makes a difference in your life and has a cumulative effect on your prosperity. Another important element of feng shui and wealth is to reinvest in your home. Keep it attractive and up to date. Reinvigorate it occasionally with new fixtures, a fresh coat of paint and new landscaping. Keeping your home in good repair will go a long way toward helping you build a stable financial footing. When your furnishings are tired, get some new upholstery or purchase a new item. Your house is the foundation of your feng shui. What goes into your house will return to you in the form of other opportunities.
  8. Symbolize wealth. Find wealth symbols and enhancers that are meaningful to you. One very wealthy friend named her home "Abundance." Another friend now signs all her emails "In Richness." Both are ways to associate yourself with wealth. Try doing things that wealthy people do. Go test drive that car that you've dreamed about for so long. Put symbols and reminders where you can see them regularly and where they are meaningful to you. Wealth is associated with the southeast and small wood is the element associated with the southeast. Bring beautiful flowers into the house and place them in the southeast corner of the house or living room to energize the wealth sector.

Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in classical Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more information and to receive her FREE Ebook "Easy Money - 3 Steps to Building Massive Wealth with Feng Shui" visit http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=Kx9qC&m=1bfwRbRpvYH6wf&b=P21uo7tmHjJaN6IsuVdvfg and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

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