Friday 13 November 2009


Within a space of a week, there have been two break-ins at my school library which is located at the West of my school.
Today the thief broke the glass window in my room which is located at the West of the library and pulled apart the wire netting to get into the room. For your information, I went back home at 1.45 p.m. to have a change of clothes and was back at the library at 2.30 p.m. when I discovered the break-in.
Actually when I checked the Flying Stars from 7th November until 6th December, 2009, I discovered that the monthly violent star has flown into this sector, bringing threat of robbery and fighting.
What is really funny is that whenever I read that my astrological sign has the robbery star or the sector that I live or work is visited by the #7 star, I would somehow find it coming true. However, if when the good stars are said to be shining on me or the sector I am in, NOTHING seems to be happening. It is not fair, isn't it?
According to the World of Feng Shui magazine, the cure for such an affliction is to place a Yang Water Feature in this sector to suppress the energies and display a Blue Rhinoceros to protect against break-ins.

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