Tuesday 17 November 2009


Asiah and Kamariah plucking the bebuas leaves
The plucked bebuas leaves
Mengkudu leaves
Cutting the bunga kantan (torch flowers)
Cutting the bebuas
Some of the cut herbs
Mixing the ingredients
Closer look at the kerabu
Nasi lemuni with kerabu
This is the last week of the school term and my friends and I had a little Do at the library. We made use of the herbs to make the dishes. My library assistant cooked the Nasi Lemuni which is something like nasi lemak but instead of using pandan leaves to boil in the coconut milk, lemuni leaves are used. Note that the lemuni leaves will turn the rice into a purplish grey colour. Then Kamariah with the help of Roslina and Kak Salmah made kerabu or a type of salad using these herbs: mengkudu, pegaga, long beans, bean sprouts, bebuas, daun kaduk and bunga kantan. Grated coconut and fried anchovies were added to the kerabu. My other friends made the side dishes like omelette, salted eggs, cucumbers, salted fish, papadom and fish fritters. Dessert and drinks were also prepared by them. This is what you call a healthy meal that is made with cooperation and goodwill.

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