Saturday 14 November 2009


House before

House after

Life is a series of ups and downs. It may seem like some people have it easier than others, but that's rarely the case. Most people have their share of problems and their successes.

The ones who get through the problems to make their life more successful, though, are those who have some common traits. And, with the economy the way it is, a successful person will be looking at how to adapt to the situation and capitalize on the times as they are - not as they wish they would be.

In 1990, my husband and I bought a $60,000 house (above, right) that was run down and smelled like urine inside. We had a 12% loan to pay on this "gem." But, our house was in a great neighborhood, and I could see that with a little effort, we could have a beautiful home in about a year - and more value in our home, too. (Picture, below)

Everyone said this was the "worst possible time to buy a home" because values were inflated and interest was, too. But you know what? We could buy one and did, but we bought smart. We bought under the market and it put us on top after it was over.

Three more houses later and we're in a gorgeous home and life is good. These are the lessons I've learned about taking positive steps in difficult times. And it's good feng shui, too.

1. Stay involved.

As easy as it is to throw your hands in the air and sit on the sofa, that does no one any good. Look at new opportunities. Learn a skill and look for ways to hedge your bets. Just like buying an undervalued house in a good neighborhood was a good investment, you can find ways to profit even in the worst times. Look for them.

2. Put more in.

Rather than sit and wait to see what was going to happen with the recession we were in 1990, we invested in our home and our environment and it paid us back. FDR showed us with the WPA that investment into yourself is a good thing. By putting money and time into America's infrastructure, we reaped the benefits of the good energy and improved bridges, roads and other public works - and got ourselves out of the Great Depression. Work on your landscaping, repaint a room, install organizers. Improving your home will improve your life; trust me on this one!

3. Be detached.

Feng shui is about balance, and where does a balance pivot? It balances in the center - neither negative nor positive. Learn to watch the news with detachment about the rumblings of the sky falling and don't fall into the trap of believing that the sky really is falling. Detachment will keep you balanced in the face of hysteria of either the positive or the negative kind. Personally, I practice "expectant detachment." I am both expecting good things, but remaining detached. It takes practice, but I find more comes to me when I manage my emotions this way.

4. Seek out opportunities.

Continue to make efforts on your behalf and don't give in to apathy. Learn to be invaluable at work and to your clients and learn a new work skill. Find something unique that you can do - or a unique offer or twist on what you already do to improve your prospects. Be watchful for opportunities to come to you. And, when they do, get advice if you need to, but don't be afraid to stretch during challenging times. I am continuing to invest in my business and life and suggest you do, too.

5. Be daring, be BOLD.

The worst thing you can do is sit on the sidelines like a cardboard cutout in a store window that watches the parade go past you. An Israeli friend of mine recalled a story about a bomb that exploded close to a restaurant where he was eating with an American friend. The friend was alarmed and wanted to run out. The American asked the Israeli why he wasn't running away from the restaurant. "Because this fish is so good," he recalled licking his fingers. My mother was hugely disappointed that I didn't cancel a trip to London in the early 80's because the IRA was setting off bombs. There will always be crises and catastrophes. Enjoy the fish every chance you get.

Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in classical Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more information and to receive her FREE Ebook "Easy Money - 3 Steps to Building Massive Wealth with Feng Shui" visit and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

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