Tuesday 13 October 2009


I am pictured with the new calabash plant that is growing in the school herb garden. The leaves of the previous one seemed have shrunk and gotten brownish. For a while, my colleagues and I thought that the plant was attacked by some pests or had some disease but then I discovered the truth.
It seemed that the school driver added some fertiliser for the plant. He saw me checking on the plant every day and waiting for the bottle gourds to grow and knew how anxious I was. I recall him offering to bring some fertiliser from his home to add to the plant. He told me that the fruit trees in his garden were bearing a lot of fruits and said that he would help me to boost the growth rate. I guess that his good intentions sort of backfired as the fertiliser he used might have been too strong for the plant. Instead of boosting growth, the leaves became stunted and I had to finally pull it out.
Now I am leaving the plant alone and just checking on it once in a while. I do not have to water it as the gardener does the job in the morning. Now, I am keeping my fingers crossed that this time around I will get some wu lous for Christmas.

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