Saturday 10 October 2009


Here is an extract about how the wellbeing of our pets reflect the feng shui of our homes.

Well, pets are particularly sensitive to the energies around our home and surrounding environment. Animals have the ability to sense things that humans don't. Observe your pet, they can give you an idea of how Ch'i is working in your home.
Almost all cats and dogs know what room and what area of the room they do best in. Their health and their character reflect the energy of the house and the people living in it. When pets are ill, lethargic, or maybe even overweight, chances are that people in your household have the same symptoms. If your animals are happy, well adjusted and lively, that will be the general feeling in your life.
Simply getting a pet if you don't already have one is a good way to enhance your Ch'i. Animals represent fire energy. Adding fire energy to your life will make you more passionate and will give you motivation to do the things you like. They can help with depression, loneliness or bring a welcome change if you're in a rut. They just make life better.Now, you also have to think about giving them a harmonious life as well. Get down to their height. Look around. What would you see if you were a small animal. Make sure that there's no mess under the bed, which, by the way, would be bad Feng Shui for you as well. Look at the corners of the floor. Do you see dust bunnies or accumulated dirt? Look under the sofas. Under the coffee table. Notice that whatever you do for them, will also be good for you.
Give them a place of their own. A bed, their water bowl, their toys.... make it nice.
When you don't feed, bathe and nurture your pet properly, your Feng Shui will suffer. Even if you don't realize it, the way you treat people, pets and plants is very important for your own self-image and well being.
Animals are the best way to experience good Feng Shui. Find out the pros and cons of getting a new pet and adopt a friend from your animal shelter. You won't regret it and your life will definitely be better.

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