Friday 16 October 2009


The lady above pictured above is Maria de Jesus. She is about 115 years old and is considered the oldest living lady in Europe. Maria does not smoke, drink alchohol or coffee. She avoids eating meat and prefers eating fish and vegetables. Hmm ... could that be the secret of her longevity?
Anyway, I read somewhere that if we want to eat longer then one of the ways is by becoming a vegetarian. By doing so, we have a better chance of maintaining a healthy body weight as we age. The article said that research has proven that vegetarians have much faster metabolisms than meateaters. In the inevitable slowing of the metabolism with age that results in weight gain, vegetarians have a big advantage.
Wanna give it a go? By giving preference to vegetarian dishes over meat dishes, you can actually increase your quality of life and your life span.

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