Wednesday 21 October 2009


I bought this framed picture of a Chinese painting from a departmental store last weekend. It was placed in the Discounted Goods Section, meaning that it wasn't that saleable. I guess it must have been on the shelves for quite some time. It was in perfect condition and only cost me RM2.50.
For someone who knows a thing or two about Feng Shui and Taoist deities, the man depicted in the picture is Zhong Kui (鍾馗), the Ghost Hunter. Try to buy such a picture at a Feng Shui store and it will set you back at least 10 times the amount I paid for my picture complete with frame. It is believed that hanging a picture of Zhong Kui in the house would drive away demons and ghosts. So Zhong Kui helps to drive away evil and bring happiness. There are also some people who believe that putting up a painting of Zhong Kui would bring good luck, peace and harmony.

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