Thursday 15 October 2009


Though I cannot be classified as overweight, I still have a bit of flab near the tummy area unlike Kamariah who is naturally slim. The extra tyre around my waist is probably as a result of sitting in front of the computer screen for hours on end and not doing much exercise.
My friends tell me that they spend weeks trying to lose a couple of kilogrammes by dieting and exercising. However, if they decide to binge for a day or two, they end up gaining back what they worked so hard to lose over a long period of time. It's not fair, isn't it?

I always keep telling myself that I will exercise during the holidays to get rid of the excess baggage but unfortunately that never seems to happen as I indulge even more at that time.

So what to do? I read a few articles that suggests that we can get rid of the kilogrammes by using Feng Shui. Hmmm ... that really is worth a try as I like to experiment with Feng Shui tips and advice.
  1. Zero in on the kitchen. Make sure it is clutter free and clean. You must make a habit of giving your kitchen a thorough cleaner. Try to not stock food that are fattening.
  2. Use calm colours like blue and green in the kitchen. It is said that these colours can help curb ones appetite. Avoid using yang colours like red, orange and yellow here as they might increase ones appetite.
  3. Instead of snacks like potato chips, try putting fresh fruits, celery and carrots in your kitchen. You can snack on them when feeling hungry.
  4. Make sure you air the place often. Open windows and doors to let the stale air out and invite fresh air in. Lightness and freshness are the key factors to help you to lose those unwanted kilos.


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