Monday 12 October 2009


The first day of the ninth lunar month falls on the 18th of October which is next Sunday. There will be some Chinese of the Taoists faith who go on a vegetarian from the 1st until the 9th day of this month. Those who decide to stay in the temple usually start their fast a day earlier.
Do you know that one of the benefits of being a vegetarian is that going on a meatless diet can actually help to fight menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, sleeplessness, depression, water retention, weight gain, mood swings, and loss of sexual desires. So sad, isn't it?
According to a study on 15,000 women, women who are vegetarians reported having far less symptoms than women who eat meat. According to researchers, the reason why vegetarians are less affected is because plants contain natural estrogens (there is a relationship between falling estrogen levels and increased menopausal symptoms). Therefore, ladies who eat more fruits, vegetables, and grains can actually curtail the drop of estrogen levels.
Let's see, I don't take beef, chicken, lamb, venison and pork but I do love seafood. Would that help?

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