Saturday, 29 August 2009


I read in a blog on Chinese deities that some Chinese have the misconception that incense and joss-sticks are actually the "Food" for Deities or Spiritual Beings. Well, this is not true. In Taoism, incenses is a form of Media that is used to transmit one's Message to the different Levels of Heavens or Deities/Spiritual Beings. Just like the the cellular phones and house phones, burning incense will help to connect Heaven and Earth. In Taoism, when a Taoist is offering incense to the deities, he/she will need to recite a "Offering Incense Mantra/Incantation" (祝香神咒/上香咒).
By doing so, the Message will be transmitted through the smoke of the burning incense to Heaven where the Deities reside.

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