Wednesday 24 June 2009


We are already into the last week for June which means that we have already reached the halfway mark for 2008. At the beginning of the year I had made six resolutions. They are in order of importance.

  1. To live healthily by eating a balanced diet, exercising and having enough sleep.

  2. To realise my literary dreams.

  3. To do something extraordinary that is good and beneficial.

  4. To travel to at least one Asian country.
  5. To improve my written and spoken Mandarin.

  6. To register for the doctoral programme.

How have I fared? Not too good, just 2 out of 6.

  1. I do try to eat as healthily as I can by not taking too much rice but my number one vice is fried food and so I need to cut down on that. My saving grace is I eat lots and lots of vegetables in the form of salads and ulam. As for exercise, I do a bit of walking but I know I need to do more. Sleep? I am slowly trying to sleep more instead of the 2-3 hours that I did last year. On the whole, I give myself 1/2 a point for this.

  2. I have been waiting for Pelanduk Publications to publish my book for sometime but still they have not contacted me. I do wonder whether I'll be able to fulfil this wish.

  3. As for doing something extraordinary that is good and beneficial, I have achieved that. Somehow, I managed to steer my school resource centre into becoming the state champion for the best urban library. As we all know resource centres give knowledge and information and for someone who has no background in library science, I think I have done something rather extraordinary. Full marks here.

  4. Because of the H1N1 flu, my aunt and I have cancelled our travel plans for the year.

  5. I do work on my Mandarin once in a while. I think my written Mandarin is better as I have constantly tried to learn more. So I give myself half a mark.

  6. I do not think I can register for the doctoral programme this year as my work commitment is heavy this year and I am in the midst of preparing for the national level resource centre competition.
    Hmmm ... only 2 out of 6 . Will I be able to fulfil more than half of my resolutions? I'll tell you on 31st December, 2009.

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