Friday 12 June 2009


The lemuni plant growing behind the library
The one who cooked the sambal ikan masin
The cook for the nasi lemuni (lemuni rice)
Ta Da! The delicious nasi lemuni
One satisfied little girl after finishing the nasi lemuni

We try to make use of the herbs in the school Herb Garden ever so often and during this holiday, my friends, Puan Asiah and Puan Baz worked together to come up with nasi lemuni for lunch. What we have is a very nutritious lunch.
Here is some information about the medicinal uses of this herb.
  • The roots of the lemuni plant can be boiled and the concoction is said to be good for a lady who has just given birth.
  • It can also be used to treat burns. One just needs to heat the leaves in a pot without adding water. The heated leaf is then applied to the wound. Do this for 2 to three times a day.
  • It is also a traditional cure for breast cancer. Just pluck two leaves and eat them daily.
  • It can be used as one of the ingredients in ulam.
  • You can also add the leaves when boiling rice.
  • The leaves can be used as stuffing for a pillow to treat headaches.


I like the part about it being made into a pillow for headaches. I'll go and gather the leaves and make myself one such pillow. Better than taking painkillers.

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