Friday 12 June 2009


If you were to ask my friends, colleagues and students what is my favourite colour, I am sure that 9 out of 10 would say GREEN. It is very obvious as many of the clothes that I wear are in that colour.
At the beginning of the year, Feng Shui master, Jason Eng did a BaZi reading for me and he advised me to wear lots of Green and Blue as he said that these colours would do me a world of good. He also said that we would usually know what colours are good for us instinctively and that we would not really go too far out if we follow what we like. He also said that I should wear red whenever I am in the limelight as the colour would help give me the extra boosts to perform well. I couldn't agree with him more.
A couple of years back, I had my BaZi analysed by another Feng Shui master and was advised to wear purple, dark blue and brown. Believe me, I don't really fancy those colours, especially brown and found it really difficult to adapt to wearing those colours. For your information, my favourite colours are green and pink.
The verdict is I will follow my heart and stick to wearing GREENS and PINKS.

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