Monday, 20 April 2009


I have mentioned before in one of my previous posts of me being rather scared each time my birthday comes around as some unfortunate thing might happen.
True to form, it happened again this year folks! My mum began vomiting and purging since last Thursday and by the time I reached home to take her to dinner with the rest of the family members, my Aunt Linda and I found that she had a fall because she was too weak from not eating anything. She had also lost another few kilos. Prior to this her appetite was not good as she had undergone a minor surgical procedure and had already lost 5 kilogrammes.
We still had to go for the dinner as everyone was waiting at the restaurant but immediately afterwards we sent her to the doctors. The everything went downhill. She simply refused to eat and became weaker and weaker. We brought her to consult another doctor yesterday but again the doc said that she was weak and only needed to drink and eat to rebuild her strength. Afraid that she might have another fall, I decided to bring her back with me to Sitiawan. My Aunt Linda also agreed to come along to take care of her. Needless to say, she has been making things very difficult for the two of us. Whatever I buy, she eats only two spoons or just a bit and the rest is left uneaten. Now she can barely walk and we have to lift her.
Know something? My aunt and I took her to three different temples and each time the mediums there said that there is some spirit possessing her. They all said that somehow she got entangled with the ghostly being when she went for Cheng Beng last week. They asked her to offer prayers to the spirit at night and send it back to the twilight zone. She did exactly as told. One of the mediums also helped offer prayers for her.
Strangely, there is a foul smell coming out from her body even after she has taken a bath. I with my aunt just lifted her from the floor to the mattress and my hands has that muddy, stinky type of odour. She took a bath just a couple of hours ago. Also for someone whose weight is around 50 kilogrammes and seems to be growing thinner and thinner, she seems to be getting heavier and heavier each time I lift her. It needed both my aunt and I to pull her up. Tomorrow, I might need Kamariah and Sharveen to come help if things get worse. Furthermore, she seems to be acting really out-of-character as if she is someone else. Tomorrow, I shall take her to the Buddhist temple in Sitiawan to see if the monks there can help.

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