Sunday 22 March 2009


I had one visitor from China by the name of Tony Chan who emailed me to ask if I was a fan of Dave Wong . Well, I wasn't really sure who he meant but when I did a quick search on the Web, I think Tony meant Dave Wong Kit 王傑. Actually, Wong Kit (pictured above) is a Taiwanese singer who made it big in Hong Kong in the 1980s.
I must say that I am not and have never been a fan of Wong Kit though I think he is a pretty good singer and a decent actor.
As far as Hong Kong singers go, I am a fan of Alan Tam Wing Lun 譚詠麟 and Samuel Hui Koon Kit 許冠傑. My favourite singers are Michael Wong 王光良 and Nicholas Teo 張棟樑, both of whom are Malaysians who have become very famous and popular in Taiwan.

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