Saturday, 10 January 2009


If a bedroom door faces the main door, it is considered unfavourable for the people occupying the room. Actually, this type of arrangement would be very rare in countries where Feng Shui is a way of life. The Chinese believe that sleeping in such a room would cause chaos to the health and wealth luck of the people occupying it.

If you happen to have such a room and are experiencing poor luck, then you might like to try the following remedies:

Place a screen between the main door and the bedroom door. You can buy lovely screens with intricate carvings or drawings which will act as both remedy and decorative item.
Hang a bead curtain to cover the bedroom door. The beads will help slow down the force of the air into the room. Make sure that there are a lot of beads on the curtain in order for them to serve their purpose.
If you do not like the idea of a screen, you may place a cabinet in between the main door and bedroom.

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