Tuesday 2 December 2008


This is how I looked to my colleagues, Puan Asiah and Puan Khairiah, in the afternoon. I went to take photos of the technical students on their last day in school and had to lie down to rest my sore back which I sprained while moving furniture at home a couple of days ago.
I was supposed to drive back this afternoon but my mum told me to rest another day before doing so. That would give my back muscles some time to recover.
MY two friends kept asking me to go consult a doctor for my ailment but I told them I'd go to the pharmacy later to get some medication for my condition. I'm sure I'll be okay by tomorrow. I was feeling worse last night and had trouble even sitting up.
Once in a while I'll suffer from a sore back if I happen to lift things that are too heavy or to sprain my back with just a wrong turn. This is nothing new to me as it is a recurring problem since 1994. You see I hurt my back when I was helping to lift a heavy teak cupboard down the staircase of the house I was renting with my classmates with my friends in England. The cupboard had tilted to my side which was near the railings of the stairs and that was how I first got the injury. Then when I was first posted to Manjung in 1995, I fell down the steps of the express bus and further injured my back. So, I do have to be very careful each time I lift things or do strenuous exercises.

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