Tuesday 25 November 2008


Me with Salihin
Safwan and I
Salihin and Safwan
Safwan reconnecting the wires
The fuzzy telly
Have you ever had the experience of the electric and electronic equipment in your household suddenly giving you problems at the same time? Well, I have. For the past month, the setting of my television went haywire and I am left with fuzzy black and white images. Then the monitor for my PC also died on me at the beginning of November. At the same time, my laptop in school also started to give trouble. The flourescent lights in my house also started to give trouble and my Mickey Mouse clock was not functioning.
A similar situation happened to me a couple of years ago and I read in one Feng Shui site that there might be something that is disturbing the metallic energy of my house. At that time, I started to clean and tidy my house especially in strong and weak metal areas of the house to ensure that I give balance back to the metallic energy. After my house cleaning exercise, my electronic gadgets worked again after the necessary repairs and nothing else malfunctioned. That is until now. So, I again suspect that it is the same problem and have started to do the necessary things to right the situation.
First I replaced the monitor. Second, I got two of my students to help me to check the setting of my television and also to reconnect the wires of my PC. Somehow, my computer wasn't functioning too well after I replaced the monitor since I was the one who connected all the wires. Must've have done something wrong. Anyway, after my student reconnected everything, the computer is running smoothly. However, the TV is still fuzzy and so I will send it back to the workshop in school to be repaired. I am sure that things will go back to normal again after this and I can happily watch telly and surf the Internet as usual. Hooray!
As can be seen from the above photographs, I treated my two boys to lunch at MacDonalds after they had helped me today.

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