Wednesday 24 September 2008


I am not going to do a write-up on the films that Heath Ledger had acted in but rather I am going to blog about the speculations as to why he overdosed on drugs. Apparently, he had trouble sleeping and needed all the pills to help him do so. This was brought about by him being too engrossed into the roles he played. As in 'Batman: The Dark Knight', he was not acting as the Joker, he became the Joker and I guess that sort of messed up his own personal psyche. It is something like becoming as one with the character he took on and just couldn't shake it off. If you had watched him as the Joker, you'd be mesmerised by his portrayal of that character - he was spooky, frightening but at the same time riveting. Each time he came on screen, he took centre stage and even Batman had to play second fiddle to his villain.
The Chinese would say that the young man was possessed 撞邪 and there was some dark forces involved. The sad thing was that he succumbed to it and the world has lost one of the brightest thespians of this century. In the Chinese film industry, those involved would always have a prayer ceremony to ask for blessing and protection from the deities before filming starts. But the western celluloid industry does not subscribe to this supernatural practice. Anyway, like the rest of the world, I too am speculating on his death. Only he and God know the real reason.

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