Sunday 28 September 2008


During the Ramadhan month and also other festive seasons, you'd read in the newspapers or see on the television of people going to the Old Folk's Home to contribute food and money to the senior citizens there. I sometimes wonder whether it is during such times that people remember these people. There are also commercials on telly highlighting the fact that some of the old folks waiting for their children to go and visit them or call them. In the commercials, the wayward sons and daughters would come to their senses and pay their parents a visit.

Should it only be during Hari Raya, Chinese New Year or Deepavali that we, as children, go and be with our parents? Many people talk about doing charity for the orphans, the destitute and the old folks but has it really struck them that charity should begin at home. Our parents have been there for us when we were young, nurturing and supporting us until we were able to stand on our feet. Now that they have become weak and feeble, shouldn't it be our turn to care and love them? I am sure many parents don't expect expensive gifts or loads of cash from their children, just spending time with them and talking with them would make them very happy and contented.
I have my two golden girls, my mum and aunt, to go back to each weekend. And I make sure I spend time with them, taking them out for shopping, marketing and to other places in Ipoh. They can't walk fast or travel too far as they tire very easily and so I need to be careful where I take them to. My time with them is precious as I don't know how much longer I can have the privilege of their company since they are in their seventies already. I regret not spending more time with my late father but I am making sure that I can squeeze as much quality time that I can possibly get with my two dear ones.
Hopefully, all of you who read this post would also treasure your folks as I treasure mine. This evening, I decided to take my mum and aunt to Taman D.R. Seenivasagam for a walk. The exercise and fresh air would do a world of good for the two of them and me as well.

1 comment: said...

Hello from Theodor [20/10/1945] from Athens GREECE!!++++++