Saturday 20 September 2008


Many people love to use cut fresh flowers to decorate their homes as it emits a yang chi. Likewise, others who are keen gardeners would grow flowering plants to give that positive to the open space in front of the house. We can utilise the energy of the flower, shape, size and colour to stimulate ourselves and move towards achieving our goals. Here are some flowers and their meanings.
Larkspur or Delphinium symbolises soaring and flying higher
Madagascar Periwinkle represents presence of earth
Chinese Lantern symbolises mental power and promise to realize goals
Allamanda represents ability to overcome obstacles
Petunia represents enthusiam in actions
Poinsetta represents simplicity
Dahlia represents vanity
Chrysanthemums represent powerful life energy
Carnations represent ever ready to help
Begonia will bring about personal stability
Geraniums represent spiritual happiness
Lotus represents pure and powerful divine consciousness
Orchids represent attachment to the divine
Violet Odorata represents modesty
Water Lily represent wealth
Peony represents beauty of art and love

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