Saturday 27 September 2008


Feng shui tips- 10 ways to attract good luck quicklyIn Feng shui,it is believed that everyone's luck is influenced by their living spaces including their work space,and the places where they meet with others and also it comes from how chi ( qi ) energy flows around your space.
If your living space is full of negativity or too much yin energy, then chi (Qi) energy is not flowing around your space smoothly.
The point is always the "chi" energy in feng shui. If your house is older than 10 years, there is already alot of yin energy , and it's good to put something that has yang energy to keep good balance.
Here are 10 feng shui tips to change your luck
1. Always keep your space , bathroom and kitchen clean
2. Place sea salt at all the corners of your house
3. Place live flowers or plants in your entrance
4. Take quick action
5. wear new clothes
6. place a crystal ball by the window
7. place positive words such as asian calligraphy good luck words or write your own good luck words around your living space
8. place pictures that make you feel good around your space
9. watch for color balance in each room
10.Communicate with cheerful positive people


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