Monday 18 August 2008


I mentioned about the very auspicious yang colours worn by the Chinese national team for the Olympics and would like to do a write-up about yin and yang colours here. Each day I read of more and more Chinese athletes winning medals. Of course, these young men and women have worked very hard to be where they are today and they have the sporting ability to go with it. But sometimes, there is such a thing a luck as well. No matter how good a person is, if luck is not on his/her side, then they might not achieve the success that they want. Read the news report dated February 4, 2008 of Lin Dan below where he mentioned his lack of luck.

Lin Dan: I have no good luck
(BEIJING, February 4) -- The world's No.1 shuttler, China's Liu Dan, said the forthcoming Beijing Olympic Games will not only be a test ground for him to demonstrate his proficiency in the discipline. He also said an Olympic gold medal is not as important as what others deem.
He burst into the International spotlight for his part in a brawl with South Korean singles coach Li Mao during the final of the Korean Open in Seoul.
He played down high expectations that he is likely to add an gold medal to his collection. "It is not easy to gain success. I will be calm facing failure," he said in a CCTV series of stories about Chinese athletes in advance of the Beijing Olympic Games.
"I am hardheaded. If I fail to win the gold medal at the Beijing Olympic Games, that is an indication that I need to train harder."
The 24-year-old was sure of the need for hard work and admitted that good luck has not been with him.
"Before the 2004 Athens Olympic Games and the 2005 World Badminton Championships, I snagged many titles. But I failed to win at the Olympic Games and Badminton Championships."
"I admit that I have no good luck."

Well, luck was indeed with Lin Dan last night when he easily won the badminton singles gold medal by beating Malaysia's Lee Chong Wei in straight sets. Our Chong Wei was not his usual self and was outplayed by Lin. Could it be because of the very auspicious yang colours of red and yellow that helped to give his luck a boost. By the way, Lee Chong Wei was wearing shorts and a tee shirt which were black - a yin colour. It is a Chinese belief that it is not advisable to wear black during the 7th lunar month as it saps the energy from you.

As far as Feng Shui is concerned colours can be divided into yin and yang. In the practice of Feng Shui colours play an important part. Therefore it would be to your advantage if you have an understanding of colours in order to help you achieve the goals you have set for yourself in life. Colours, when used properly, will bring the desired feng shui energy into your environment. Remember, the guiding principle in using Feng Shui Colours should be to achieve balance rather than excess.


Yin colors are the colours that bring about healing and relaxation. Look at the examples below of yin colours and what they can do.
  • Blue: Blue has yin energy. It is calm and soothing. This colour has great significance in Feng Shui as it reflects love as it heals and relaxes. Blue creates a feeling of peace and trust. Since it is the colour of the sea and sky, Feng Shui associates it with adventure and exploration. Navy blue is the colour of intellect and wisdom.

  • Black: Black in Feng Shui symbolizes money and income, black is great for careers, especially when combined with metal. It is the Feng Shui colour of emotional protection and power.

  • Purple: Purple, the colour that lies at the end of the spectrum, has a great significance in Feng Shui. The colour is excellent for physical and mental healing and Feng Shui associates it with spiritual awareness.

  • White: In Feng Shui the white colour represents poise, confidence and purity. Because of its yin energy, Feng Shui uses this colour mostly in combination with gold or silver to generate a calm atmosphere.


Yang colours tend to belong to fire and wood elements. According Feng Shui,these are the colours that provide you the enthusiasm or the positive energy required to do something or be motivated. Below are examples of yang colours and their effects on you.

  • Yellow: Yellow color in Feng Shui is considered to be as auspicious as red. Yellow represents sunbeams, warmth, motion, cheerfulness and friendliness. However, according to a noted 'Color Feng Shui' consultant, prolonged exposure to large amounts of intense yellow can cause anxiety.

  • Orange: With a lot of yang energy the orange color has great significance for Feng Shui practice as it strengthens your concentration. You might use this color when your creative well runs dry. Orange color in Feng Shui is used to give you a sense of purpose. Orange is the color of organization.

  • Red: This colour carries the energy of Fire element in feng shui. Fire has always been a symbol of divine energy and can be both destructive and creative. It represents the energy of sun and life. The Feng Shui energy of red is the energy of arousal. It is hot, passionate, rich and celebratory. It is the Chinese colour of luck and happiness.

  • Purple: Color Purple should be used with moderation. It is a very strong, high vibration color, the color of connection to the spiritual realms (7th chakra.)

  • Pink: Pink is the universal colour of Love, which makes it a perfect colour to soothe the energy. Its gentle and delicate feng shui vibrations have a proven soothing effect on one's behaviour.


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