Wednesday 20 August 2008


The Paloh Old Temple
One of the ladies in the temple helping to write down the particulars
Prayer paraphernalia for the ceremony
Statue of Tai Sui
The caretaker reciting the particulars of my friend in her prayers
Me acting as proxy
Burning the prayer papers

On behalf of a friend, I acted as proxy to pray to Tai Sui or the Grand Duke Jupiter at the Paloh Old Temple in Ipoh. The Chinese pray to Tai Sui who is the Guardian for the Year to seek blessings for a smooth year and for Tai Sui to keep them from harm's way. At the temple, it was found that my friend's zodiac was indeed in conflict with the year and that is why she was experiencing a very bad year.

Usually those who are in conflict with Tai Sui need to go for the special prayer ceremony. Some Chinese carry out the prayer ceremony even if they are not in conflict. To them it is better to be safe than sorry.

Before the ceremony, a lady at the temple helped me to write down the particulars of my friend on the prayer papers. The Chinese translation that I did were not suitable and she rewrtoe them. The caretaker of the temple was the one who conducted the ceremony and I had to offer joss-sticks and candles to Tai Sui on behalf of my friend. During the ceremony, the caretaker said some prayers and recited the name, birthdate and address of my friend. She asked that the person be blessed and that Tai Sui would help to ward off all her ill-luck. In her prayers, she asked that my friend be blessed with good health, good luck, a harmonious family life and that all her undertakings would be smooth and successful. After that, I was instructed to burn the paper containing all the particulars in the furnace.

When the ceremony was over, I was given a Tai Sui paper talisman and a packet of tea (it's the conical shaped red package in the third picture) to be passed on to my friend. The tea leaves are to be brewed and drunk for good luck and health. By the way, the caretaker told me that after the prayer ceremony, my friend would experience better luck and even without talisman she'd notice that things will become better and smoother.

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