Wednesday 6 August 2008


Remember the one-eyed Persian cat that is being cared for by the security guards in my school that I wrote about a couple of months ago? Well, today the guards told me that the poor cat was hit by a car and is now injured. I went into the guard house to have a look at it and the cat was huddled in a dark corner. The guard told me that it was in great pain in the morning and he applied ointment for it. When he gets off duty tomorrow, he'll bring the cat to the vet to have it treated. I'll let you all know about how it is once I get any news.

My friend, Eric, told me that when he read the post about this particular Persian cat, he felt very sad as it reminded him of two of his own Persian cats that were poisoned by his neighbour. How sad! He told me that the neighbour had told him to cage up his cats as they kept going into his compound. He threatened to poison the cats if Eric did not do so. Well, Eric did go and buy the cage but it was too late. The cats were poisoned the day he got the cage. You see there are such inhumane people around.

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