Monday 18 August 2008


If and when we need to look for another place to live, many questions would pop up in our minds. Are the neighbours friendly? Will my family and I be happy and peaceful in the new house? Will we be able to prosper here - both financially and spiritually? I am sure that these and many other questions would be playing in our minds. Right?
If you want to utilise Feng Shui principles to check if the house is suitable for you and your family, then one option would be to employ the services of a legitimate Feng Shui master. Or if you have adequate knowledge and Feng Shui know-how, do the audit yourself. I remember reading from one of Lilian Too's books that another way would be to bring a young child (preferably male as boys are said to possess yang qi) when you are going house hunting. If the child smiles and is well-behaved in that house, then it is a good sign and would indicate that the house is suitable for habitation as very young children are able to sense if the place is safe and secure. But if the little tyke starts bawling for no reason, then the house is not right for you. Actually, you yourself would be able to sense if the place is suitable or not. Just relax and contemplate when viewing a house - you'd be able to get the vibes emanating from the house. Think I am kidding? Go try it yourself and you'd know I am right.

For more guidance in looking for a suitable abode, please read the article from the red lotus letter by clicking on this URL:

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