Sunday 3 August 2008


In another 4 days the 2008 Olympics will begin in the land where the concept of Feng Shui originated. It would therefore be no surprise that this ancient Science was utilised in the preparation of the facilities for this important sporting event. Read the article below to get a better idea on how the Beijing Olympic Stadium was built.

Beijing, 2008-Olympic Fever with a Twist of Feng Shui.
By: Fire Dragon
March 30, 2008

Beijing-The second largest city in China hosts the 2008 summer Olympic Games. Beijing literally means “northern capital”, in accordance with other cities named by the direction where they are located. The Beijing Olympic Stadium under construction, also known as the “Bird’s Nest,” is a feat of engineering developed by Heurzog and DeMeuron, two well-known Swiss architects. The structural elements support one another and converge into a grid-like formation; hence the name, the “The Bird’s Nest.” Seating capacity will be 79,574, yet for the Olympic Games, it will be in excess of 100,000.Feng shui (pronounced, fung shway); literally, means “wind water.”
Remarkably similar to Chinese Astrology, feng shui is part of an ancient Chinese philosophy of nature. Like Chinese Astrology, Feng shui relates to the five elements of nature (Wood-Fire-Earth-Metal-Water), and how living with rather than against nature benefits both humans and the environment. The feng shui chart applies to the elements as follows:

Water-all shades of blue (Knowledge {Wisdom, Education, and Self-Cultivation}) or black (Career {Life-Path, The Journey}).

Wood-all shades of green (Family {Community, Elders}).

Fire-red, maroon, burgundy, hot pink, etc. (Fame {Reputation, Recognition} and Wealth {Lifestyle, Opportunity}).

Earth-orange, yellow, brown (Marriage {Relationships, Partnerships}).

Metal-white, silver, gray, gold (Children, Creativity {Inner Child} and Helpful People {Travel}).“Just as birds stuff the spaces between the woven twigs of their nests with soft filler, the spaces in the stadium will be filled with inflated ETFE (Ethylene/Tetrafluoroethylene Copolymer) cushions. On the roof, the cushions will be mounted on the outside of the structure to make the roof completely waterproof.” The entire structure of the stadium integrates with nature, rather defies it. “Whilst the rain is collected for rainwater recuperation the sunlight filters through the translucent roof providing the lawn with essential UV-radiation.”*The ancient philosophy of feng shui meets new world architecture in the ancient land of parallel origins, resulting in the structure to be known as, The Beijing Olympic Stadium.

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