Wednesday 30 July 2008


In a couple of days' time, it will be the first day of the seventh lunar month according to the Chinese Calendar. It is on this day that the Taoists believe that the Gates of Hell are open and the ghosts are given a one month-long holiday.
The entire seventh lunar month is a period when its is believed that the spirits of the dead walk are given the licence to roam the earth. According to Taoist beliefs, this festival of deliverance originated on the birthday of the Chinese Guardian of Hell, Yuen Lao Wong, who is lord of the underworld. Yuen Lao Wong had decreed an amnesty out of mercy for all the lost souls so that they could be released back to the mortal world from hell beginning from the first day of seventh month to enjoy incense, candles and food offered to the spirits for a period of one month so they might be converted to "The Way".
On the other hand, the Buddhists believe that this month came to be the Ghost Festival from the legend of Moginlin, a disciple of Buddha, who entered the path of hungry spirits in Hell to rescue his deceased mother from suffering there. On the 15th day of the seventh lunar month or Yu Lan Festival, five fruits and a hundred delicacies were offered in ten directions to all the ghosts in space to relieve his mother's suffering in hell. Both of the Taoists and Buddhists versions encompass the Chinese beliefs of forbearance, charity and filial piety.
In Malaysia many special celebrations are held during this month, with sacrifices and offerings laid out to feed and appease the wandering lost souls.
Some Chinese believe that it is also during this time of year that "Supernatural things can just happen". The elders remind the youngsters to be well behaved and mind their words during this ghost festival. Also, the Taoists will give a lot of offerings and burn alot of hell money and other paper paraphernalia to the ghosts in exchange for their blessings and protection as well as to keep them happy so as that they will not give create any trouble for humankind. At the end of the month, the gate of Hell will once again be closed and the ghosts are expected to report back to hell on their own. If they attempt to linger on in the mortal world then the guards from hell will be sent to the human world to capture them and drag them back into hell. Once they are back in hell, they have to face the music.

Click "Ella Encounters Hovering Shadow Prays for Guan Yu’s Divine Protection" to read about Ella Chen's (a Taiwanese entertainer) encounter with the paranormal during this period.

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