Thursday 6 March 2008


I do not feel too happy today. Why? It is because I feel cheated. I had ordered a Toyota Vios on the 13th of January and only today the car came. But my grouse is not that. It is with the licence plate number. I had asked for the company to tender the number AGJ 1010 for me for RM500 and I was told two weeks ago that I had gotten the number. Now when the car is here, I am told that the number has been sold to someone who bid more. How can this be? I was told that my bid was successful and now I am told that someone has offered more for the number with a few thousand ringgit. I really feel cheated. If I could I would report this to the commercial tribunal in Malaysia and see that justice be done. Unfortunately, the salesperson told me that they left the job to the runner to do and that I have no black and white proof. It was something like a gentleman's agreement. If that be the case, the runner for them is a cheat and not a gentleman. You might say that I do not have much to lose and that it is just a number but to me, it is more a case of trust and principles. Well, whoever the person is who has done this to me, the profit that he/she gets is considered HARAM as it is not earned honestly. I am sure that all religions teach us that we must always remember that whatever money we earn must be through hard work and honest means. We can earn millions but if the way that the money is gotten is through ill means then the money will easily be lost and they might have to pay double or triple for the amount that they have cheated.
What's in a number? Prestige, ego booster, sentiments or luck activator they may be to different people. In my case, I was robbed of the licence plate number that I had wanted and was supposed to get.


luckyzy said...

Xing Fu..
Is me, the salesperson tat appear in the screen. I'm the 1st person tat should be blame, because I'm not taking note for the "number buying" step. Last 2 week++, the number plate AGJ just open in Perak State for vehicle registration. Myself in the JPJ HQ in Ipoh have found tat the number "AGJ 1010" still available. So I prepare all the document of my customer(RM500 as well) and pass it to the runner in Ipoh to do the booking(normally customer them self or runner only allowed for buying number and do vehicle registration).While the car still on pending period, I should follow-up with the runner about the status of the number, but I failed to do so, I put down 100% chance and expect that can get the number. Today, the car came and ready for register, I called runner in the early morning to remind him. Unfortunately, I heard "can't get" from his site.. But it was too late. I apologize for what I've done. I know even if thousands of sorry also cannot change a forgive. I still feel sorry..

Miss Cheah said...

You should have told me to go to JPJ and get the number myself and I would have gotten it.
No, I think you are now responsible to get me ADk 1010.