Wednesday 27 February 2008


I have been in the workforce for quite a number of years and in the course of my work I have seen individuals who really desire to be in the limelight. Of course, there are those who prefer to keep a very low profile not wanting to be put in the spotlight at all. Me, ah? Hmmmm .... I think I am somewhere in the middle. I do not really go all out for the fame and glory. Though, I love to have lots of money. Besides, whether we become famous or popular is already written in the stars. In one of Shakespeare's plays, he mentioned that some people were born famous, some had fame thrust onto them and some achieve fame. But of course, if one is born with the fame star in ones destiny, then it is a sooner or later thing.
So what is fame? Well, fame can be taken to mean having a good reputation in your line of work or business. It can also mean super stardom. One can be famous for something good and at the same time one can be notorious for something bad. Sometimes it's better to be unknown than known badly. Don't you agree? Feng Shui can help you activate fame and promote the positive as well alleviate the negative.
Based on the 9 Aspiration Formula, you can improve fame and recognition luck by activating the south sector with lights (e.g. lava lamps, candles). Having a bathroom in the south sector might result in the occupants getting a bad reputation. To counter this problem, make an arrangement of blue marbles in a glass bowl full of water. Make sure that no plants or candles are placed in this bowl. As the south is seriously inauspicious this year, it is not advisable to activate for fame here. Instead, I will introduce alternative sectors for you to activate for fame and popularity.

Before I talk about the other fame sector, I would like to draw your attention to some situations when you would want to activiate or enhance the Fame and Reputation sector:
  • When you want to have a good reputation or improve on the one you already have.

  • When you need to summon the courage to do something.

  • When you want to be more respected by people or one specific person.

  • When you want to become well known for something.

  • When you want to get the credit you deserve.
As mentioned earlier, the 9 aspirations formula puts the south as the fame sector. But another Feng Shui sect believe that the fame and reputation sector is located in the central-rear portion of your home or office . They believe that by placing specific enhancements here you can improve how people perceive you. This area is about power as well. Notice how the king, judge, priest, minister, teacher, speaker, or political leader usually occupy this part of the room? This is the spot that can make or break your perceived power.
So if you are game to give it a try, you must first take a look at your fame and reputation sector and remove any items that symbolize something you are not or something you don't want to be known for. Then go ahead and add something that you would be proud to be associated with. For example, if you have a degree or any awards/trophies, place them here. Try not to put things that give a connotation of sadness, failure or death here.
And let's not forget about using the right elements and colours in this sector. A little red can go a long way. And with the best element being fire, a simple addition of a candle can be added and no one would be the wiser that it is there to help you out. My fame and reputation sector is my dining hall and so far I have not done anything to activate for fame and glory. Since, my book is taking ages to be published I guess there must be something wrong here. After posting this, I will seriously go and check for things that might be blocking my chance of fame. Then I might place a picture of palm trees (to add the element of wood - which fuels fire according to the element's creative cycle) along with some real plants.
Now if you want to boost your popularity (something that the election candidates might want to do), you must ascertain your personal Kua directions by reading about and finding your Kua number here. To up your popularity, look to your Yan Nian location. Though the Yan Nian is generally utilized for Love and Relationships, it is also a boon for popularity prospects!
After you’ve located your Yan Nian or Love and Relationship direction, spend lots of your time in this location, or better yet shift your bedroom to this location. This is not a feasible option to take if your Yan Nian is located in the south this year as this sector is badly afflicted.
To further boost your popularity, tap into Flying Stars Feng Shui. The star you want to look up to is the #1 White, also known as one of the most benevolent stars in the system for happiness, and known for its fame Feng Shui.
For year 2008, the #1 White star has aligned itself in the central location. Therefore enhance the Water element of this star with Metal Feng Shui items! The image of a horse image might be helpful as this magnificent animal is said to symbolize a speedy and steady ascent to fame and success, apart from success, brute strength and endurance!
Red is undeniably the most striking of colors – in Feng Shui, red happens to be the color with the most Yang energy. Strengthen your personal Yan Nian or the East location (the luckiest sector for 2008) with plenty of red (provided that you are not using these areas as your bedroom and it is not in the south). You may also enhance your Yan Nian or the East with Feng Shui enhancers in red , for example, ancient Chinese coins tied with red thread. Ancient Chinese coins (the real thing if possible) will be an auspicious touch for your Fame Feng Shui, too, since coins denote wealth attainment and material prosperity.
If you have academic or other types of documentation such as diplomas, awards or letters of recognition, place or hang them prominently in your home or office. This denotes good luck to your endeavours, as well as a good boost to your Popularity & Fame luck! My mum (and a lot of other parents) puts my sister's and my graduation photos in the living room at home. She feels very proud of our achievement and has given the framed photographs pride of place. Of course, she doesn't fail to draw attention to the pictures should there be visitors who are new to the place.
However, if you feel a little reserved or shy about having such mementos on display, don’t worry – you can still enjoy the benefits by simply attaching these documentation behind artwork, paintings or other types of wall fixtures.
So, it is quite simple really to fire up your fame and reputation and boost your popularity. The tips given are also easy to follow and don't cost much. Do try them out and if you do become famous and popular, write to let me know.

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