Friday 29 February 2008


Believe it or not, the five pictures posted here are of the same person. The girl's name is Dawn Yang and she is a famous Singaporean Blogger. This 23 year old was born in 1984 and is also known as Dawn Yeo. She is an alumna of elite schools in Singapore and a scholarship holder to Marymount Community College and University of Southern California in the United States. Dawn Yang is most famous for her good looks and popular blog. When she was voted as the hottest blogger by a magazine, her former classmates who had found out about it had apparently passed on the information to a journalist as well as photographs of her when she was in school. On November 10, 2005, Agagooga of Balderdash published a blog post with several unflattering photos of Dawn Yang from her Junior College days.From the photographs, there arose controversy over whether her said "natural beauty" were surgically enhanced and modified. Anyway, what irked her classmates and some other Singaporeans was not really the fact that she had gone under the scalpel to achieve her babelicious looks but rather the fact that she did not want to admit to having had cosmetic surgery. From what I had read, she is of Chinese descent and looking at the older photos, she really looked very Chinese but if we were to look at the later photos, she had more caucasian like features.
For me, the issue is not whether she will or won't admit to being a plastic beauty but what I am interested in is whether the change in her facial features will affect her fate. According to the Chinese practice of face reading, our faces are a three dimensional reflection of who we are and how life has affected us. But in this modern age, more and more of people want the airbrushed face of a young über model regardless of how old we are.
So it is believed that a change to the topography of our face also changes the essence of who we are. Conversely, a change in who we are can change our face.
If we were born with a soft fleshy nose (indicating someone who savours the pleasures of life) and pay thousands to have it reshaped to look leaner, longer, more aquiline, will we take on more of the characteristics of a personality befitting this particular type of nose? Certainly some people give voice to how cosmetic changes have initiated psychological changes as well. While that is anecdotal, it’s hard to ignore how deeply our appearance influences us.
From what I have learnt about Face Reading, the cosmetic changes would effect some change in a person's personality and life but I don't think that the change would be so substantial as we must bear in mind our personalities and our fate are also influence by our Ba Zi, our palm lines and also the Feng shui of the place that we reside.
How much change will there be after cosmetic surgery is rather tangible. However, judging from Dawn Yang's case, it seemed to have really benefitted her in terms of popularity and career. So, plastic surgery anyone? Me? If given a choice between having a tattoo or having a nose job, I'd settle for the tattoo as it doesn't appear to me that painful and dangerous.

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