Sunday 13 January 2008


Flying Star chart downloaded from Star Online

One of the articles in the Sunday Star that I look forward to each weekend is the one by Joey Yap, a very renowned Feng Shui master in Malaysia. This young man's knowledge of the subject is incredible and I really enjoy reading his take on the subject. He approaches the subject with a rationalistic perspective and gives Feng Shui the credibility that it justly deserves.
His article in the Sunday Star today, dated 13 January gives a sneak peak of what is in store if one attends his annual Feng Shui talk. Unfortunately, I could not make it. I honestly would love to because I know he's got loads to share and I'd walk away learning so much more. Too bad that I have other commitments at that time.
Anyway, I would like to share with you excerpts of the article that I downloaded from the Star online. Master Joey Yap has such a way with words that it would be sinful for me to summarize what he said. Please refer to the chart above to better understand the explanations given. So read on ...
Using a very basic interpretation, if your Main Door, bedroom or study is located in the East or Southeast locations of your property (where the #8 and #9 stars reside respectively), there’s not much you need to do! By using the room or the door (in effect, being there or entering your home), you are already activating these two favourable stars, and you’re tapping into the two Wealth Qi positions for the year.
If you’re using the #8 or East direction star (known as the Wang Qi or Prosperous Qi direction), then the year will be favourable for you in terms of wealth opportunities that can be exploited NOW and in the immediate year. Opportunities or investments that are already in profit are ready to be cashed in.
If you’re using the #9 or Southeast direction star (known as the Sheng Qi or Growth Qi direction), then the year is favourable for laying down the foundations for wealth opportunities (such as expanding your business) or undertaking long-term investments.
you don’t have a door or a bedroom in the East or Southeast, have no fear. A little fishtank filled with water (with some guppies to keep the mosquitoes away) will do. Water, being a Yang element, will activate the Qi.
A North Main Door, bedroom or study is also good in 2008. The #6 Star, which governs authority, recognition, fame and power, resides in the North and this is a good room to use if you are looking for a promotion, or a move up in your organisation, or just to get some positive PR. For those with children facing important examinations this year, you may want to try and let them sleep or study in a Northeast room, where the #4 star is located. This is a star that is helpful for academic pursuits.
Avoidance is the best cure
Now, people are obviously tempted to look into cures mainly because they are frightened of the negative stars and want to “negate” them. The best way to negate something is to just avoid the situation. Like the beehive in a tree, as long as you don’t poke it with a stick or stir up the bees inside, nothing bad will happen!
As three major afflictions – the Five Yellow, the Year Breaker and the 3 Killings – all reside this year in the South, it makes life a little easier. Find the South location in your home and, where practical and possible, avoid using the area or renovating there.
Let’s say the South happens to be your TV room or bedroom: you might want to move the TV to another room (preferably one with positive Stars) or sleep in another room for the year.
But if you can’t do that, just avoid moving any of the furniture, moving things about, or striking the walls or ground in that area. Don’t put up pictures and don’t hammer the wall. If you cannot use the room at all, that is best. If not, try to avoid making any major changes or movement to that room. Remember, we don’t want to trigger the stars with activity.
It’s also important to remember that you should avoid touching the ground in the South, even if it is outside your property. While there’s not much you can do if your neighbour decides to dig up his garden, which happens to be the South part of your home, you can avoid problems by not doing any digging on your own side of the fence.
The other problem zones in 2008 are the West, Southwest and Northwest. The West is where the #3 star is located and this star is typically associated with squabbling, arguments and petty disputes. If you sleep in this room, or have a Main Door located in the West, you should be cautious in your dealings with people. Be careful what you say, and try to keep the peace rather than be confrontational.
The Southwest is where the #7 Robbery star is located. If you have a Main Door here (especially offices), it is good to put into place some solid accounting procedures, as fraud and petty theft are likely. Invest in a good burglar alarm system, be careful when going in and out, or carrying cash, and insure your valuables.
Bedrooms in the Northwest will usually result in the occupants being prone to illness this year. Stomach problems, gastrointestinal ailments and migraines are likely, and stress will be part of the underlying cause of the problem. If possible, use another room for the year. If not, be cautious in what you eat, and manage your stress levels!
Work it!
Of course, on the face of it, the chart appears to suggest that those with Northwest doors or bedrooms are doomed to a rotten year. But in Flying Stars, it’s very important to look at location-based Combinations.
So, for example, while the Northwest is not a favourable sector, when the Qi in the Northwest is combined with that of the East, property-related wealth opportunities will arise. This is due to the Combination of Ten outcome that arises when the #2 and #8 Star come together.
Similarly, the #7 Star, which resides in the Southwest in 2008, can be turned positive, through proper use, to unlock opportunities in the entertainment business, or to open the doors to opportunities involving speaking, teaching, or communications.
In fact, the #7 Star can be particularly good for those in the sales industry or for companies that are dependant on good sales to secure their profits for the year.
I’ll also be sharing tips on how to engage in simple or modest movement or renovations on certain dates in certain sectors to trigger the positive Qi and overcome the negative Qi. And you can achieve all this without the use of pendants, trinkets or lucky objects. It’s all in the timing.
When it comes to updating your feng shui for the year or taking into account feng shui in your planning for the year, the key is to not be fearful but to always think positively.
It’s also important to remember that Qi can be activated (and similarly de-activated, when it comes to the negative stars) without actually placing anything there.
I would like you to just keep in mind this mantra “Good Stars, Use More, Bad Stars, Use Less”. That’s really feng shui at its most basic and effective. An ounce of prevention is always better than a cure.

Joey Yap is the founder and Master Trainer of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics. He will be speaking on the Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology Outlook for 2008 at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre on Jan 27. Visit for more information.

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