Wednesday 17 October 2007


If we were to watch Kung Fu movies or series about Chinese deities, we would see some of the characters using the Wu Lou or Gourd as a water or rice wine holder and also as an object to contain evil. In Feng Shui, it represents longevity, vitality and good health and is said to absorb illness.
The best place to put the Wu Lou or Gourd is in your living room. It is believe that in such a position it helps to keep your home free of illness. Many people in China will hang them in their living room window. According to Taoist beliefs, it is believed to be filled with the nectar of health and vitality. The God of Longevity, Sau Sing, carries a staff at the end of which is a bottle gourd said to contain the elixir of immortality. Traditionally, the gourd was used as a water container. Travellers would keep water or rice wine in gourds plucked from trees, dried and hollowed out. This may be the reason that the gourd became a symbol of health, the “giver of health and vitality.”
The Bottle Gourd or Wu Lou has a small mouth but large body. It is believed that it has the effect of preventing bloody mishaps. When hung its potency is greater and if hung at the door of a shop, it helps to preserve a tranquil atmosphere and also usher in wealth luck.
Feng Shui practitioners consider the Bottle Gourd or Wu Lou as a very important symbol of good health. Having a Wu Lou around the house suggests that the home is blessed. A vase shaped like a bottle gourd is often used in Feng Shui to endow a home with special blessings and a long life for its occupants. Sometimes a miniature bottle gourd charm or pendant is worn to ward off pernicious influences and accidents and assure longevity.
According to some Feng Shui masters, when ones luck is down, he/she can wear a small black coloured Wu Lou as a locket. It has the effect to absorb all the negative qi and improve ones luck. They also believe that wearing the Wu Lou can help to intensify the personal qi of those who are in conflict with Tai Sui or the Grand Duke Jupiter. Another function of the Wu Lou is as a amulet for self-protection against negative qi. Therefore, wearing it to funerals and to visit the sick in hospitals will help ward of negative vibes from those places. Hanging a Wu Lou by the bed of a restless child will help to quiet it down. It is also used when to counter the effects of beams in a room. After reading this, I'm sure you'd want to get a Wu Lou. Right?

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