Wednesday 3 October 2007


This post is in reponse to a request by Ng who wrote in to ask me to write about career advancement. What I have done is to gather some of the information that I found from other web sites, edit them and then post them here. So read on …

One of the first Feng Shui tips for career advancement and improvement is to place an item in a space at work where there is water, such as a fountain, aquarium, or even a vase of flowers, or you could even use the water symbol, something like a painting of a river or stream, or a collection of seashells. Another option would be to use the colour black or mirrors, which are Feng Shui symbols. By doing this, you will find that your life has better flow. Additionally, more and better opportunities will present themselves to you.
Remember when working with Feng Shui tips for career advancement that you need to place the item consciously, intending to place it there purposely for helping you with new direction. With this, you will find that improvement or advancement occurs much quicker. This path is called Gua, which opens your eyes to new things. In addition, another Feng Shui tip for career is that a front door is usually associated with career path. As an example, if the door sticks, it could indicate that you are “stuck” in your current position, if the door is never used, you might be overlooked for promotions, or if the door is dirty, then you are missing an opportunity to shine at work.
Another Feng Shui tip for career advancement or improvement is that be sure you use the colours black, blue, white, and mirrors, as mentioned. In this case, you could hang a mirror by the door of your office or in your cubicle. If you have an office door, be sure nothing is blocking it. Other elements of Feng Shui that you could use for work include water and metal. Other Feng Shui tips for career include:
For career, learn your Sheng Chi direction and be sure you are facing that way at work by placing your desk accordingly.
Never sit with your back to a door or window, which provides you with no support. This could lead to double crossing or backstabbing.
Take a painting without water features to work, hanging it behind your worktable.
Use potted plants as a means of camouflaging offending pillars that can shoot out poisonous arrows.
Since the north represents career and north is both water and the color blue, place a metal wind chime in the northern most section of your office or workspace. Just be sure you never use earth or wood elements in the north.
Finally, our last Feng Shui tip for career improvement is to think about your home with these same rules. Most importantly, the bedroom needs attention since we spend one-third of our lives in that particular room of the house. Keep an eye for features that could create dangerous “SharQi”, which is killing breath.

The element of the career area on the bagua is water. Place a water fountain or aquarium near the career area to enhance the flow of career energy and improve luck. The colour of the career area is black, so place a symbol of the new desired career in the destiny and career area of the home. If it is a picture, place it in a black frame. If it is an item, place a black ribbon around it, if it is a different colour. Hang a wind chime in the career area to call in a new job to your view. A picture of a mountain in the career area represents an upward climb. Place a turtle or picture of a turtle in the career area because turtles represent longevity and tenacity. All of the opportunity of the Universe comes to you through the front door, and that may be located in the career area. Make sure that it is clear and free of debris.

1 comment:

Gr8 Thoughts said...

Your article was really good and mentioned really simple tips to follow, can you please suggest some fenshui tips can be utilised in open desk sitting office, i.e. not the cubicles but only desk and chair in line and glass partitions(very less in hieght) in between two people..... shall be thankfull to you...