Thursday 17 May 2007


I had the opportunity to go and audit a new house belonging to Lai Yoong's friend, Mrs Sharon Yew. Let me clarify here that I am not a feng shui master but just an enthusiast who is very interested in the subject. Once in a while, I'd go and "see" the feng shui of a place if I am invited. Actually my geomancy teacher, Wendy, is the real professional but she is in Ipoh and it is rather difficult to get her to come here to do a feng shui audit. So Mrs Yew will have to make do with Wendy's apprentice.
For your information, to know if a house is good to live in is very easy. One just have to see the reaction of the people who enters it. It has a lot to do with first impressions. My friends Lai Yoong and Rose loved the place and felt at ease when they entered it. So that was the first plus thing about the place. Also there were not much negative things about it. No fire hydrants in front, no T-junctions, no religious places nearby, no big trees, etc. So this is a good sign.
The plus point about this house is it is a Northeast facing and southwest sitting house. Since we are in the Period Eight, this is a very lucky house to have. Of course with every house, there will be some negative aspects such as there are quite a number of missing corners resulting in irregular shaped rooms and the glass sliding doors. However, there are always cures to remedy them so that would not be too much of a problem. Also, Sharon had wanted to put awnings to cover the front of her house to make it shadier for the cars. I'd advice against this as this would make the house too yin. She told me that her husband had wanted to leave the place as it was as it would create a brighter effect. I totally agree with him. And I also agree to his opinion of wanting to have the grassy patch in front. We always need wood energy to give the idea of growth and regeneration to our homes.
What I have mentioned above is just superficial information that I got from visiting the place. With the data that I have noted down, I will have to do more calculations based on all the compass directions that I have taken, the map I drew of the house plus the paht chee of the inhabitants. Maybe I'd be able to come up with a more detailed feng shui analysis for Sharon and her family by next week.

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