Sunday 27 May 2007


On Friday, the 25th of May 2007, my friends Mr Nyanasekaran, his wife Hennah, Miss Grace, Mrs Wong and I spent the afternoon with the children at Rumah Wawasan or the Vision Home for the Orphaned and Destitute Children in Sitiawan.
The idea for this was actually mooted by Mr Nyana on my Chinese birthday, I had mentioned that on that day I had to be thankful to God for the gift of life and also to do good deeds and charity. It was then that he had asked me if I wanted to share with him and Miss Grace the expenses of giving a lunch treat to the children at the home. Of course, I said yes. And Puan Kamariah Sulaiman who was also present was taken with the idea as well and she also volunteered to contribute to the luncheon. My friend, Mrs Wong, who only learnt about the visit on Thursday wanted to come along and she bought things for the children.
We were all very appreciative of the good work done by Mr Moses Maniam and Madam Saunderi who are the caretakers of the 40 children at the centre. It is indeed heartwarming to know that there are such caring people but at the same time it is also heartwrenching to learn of parents who would abandon their children.
I also feel very blessed to have such caring friends who were willing to contribute their time and money to give a treat to these unfortunate children. As you can see, Puan Kamariah, Mr Nyana and Mrs Nyana, Mrs Wong, Miss Grace and I are of different races and religions but we all had it in our hearts to help these children. My dear friends and colleagues, may you be blessed for your generosity and kindness of heart. Also all of us agreed to do more for the children in future. Hopefully, Puan Kamariah will be able to be with us next time.

Check out the slide show below for more pictures.

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