Wednesday 17 January 2007


Do you think that you have looks that readily invite romance luck? The Chinese call this type of look Tao Hua Xiang. Let me elaborate on Tao Hua Xiang or Peach Blossom looks. The eyes and mouth are two of the features that are most indicative if a person possesses this type of looks. A book on feng shui that I read listed the following features as reflective of Tao Hua Xiang for a man.

· The black of the eyes must be more than the white parts;
· The eyebrows are long and thin;
· The mouth is moderate, not too big or small;
· The lips are thin and wet;
· The face is longish;
· The voice is gentle.

The telltale signs for a woman with Tao Hua Xiang are:

· The black of the eyes must be more than the white;
· Long and thin eyebrows;
· Rosy cheeks;
· Small mouth;
· Thin and wet lips;
· Alluring voice;
· Soft and fleshy palms.

To have such type of looks, one need not neccessary be drop dead gorgeous or exquisitely beautiful. In many cases people who are said to have this type of looks are not considered handsome or beautiful. But to the opposite sex they ooze charm and sex appeal. To the married men or women who are captivated by their charms, they are irresistible to the point that they are willing to leave their spouses and children or do drastic things like jumping off a building. A person with Tao Hua Xiang may be enjoying the attentions of the opposite sex but they might not be happy as a whole gamut of problems ranging from sexual entanglements to estrangement might crop up.
Besides Peach Blossom Looks causing havoc to the lives of many men and women, there is also Tao Hua Jie or Crisis brought about by Love. On the other hand, Tao Hua Yun or Peach Blossom Luck is welcomed by many. Basically when love or romance luck shines on a person, then he or she is considered to be lucky in love or to have peach blossom luck.

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