Tuesday 16 January 2007


I got this tip from the "CAi Shen Zhao Shang Men" for the year 2007. The author of the book is Master Thean Y Nang.
According to the article, if one wishes to get a promotion, one has to change old shoes to new ones. Huh! Isn't that really simple? Well, it is but there is still a wee bit of ritual to follow.

  1. Select an auspicious date and time by looking at the Chinese Almanac. Buy a new pair of shoes and get ready a pair of your old shoes. Prepare a few pieces of pomelo leaves.

  2. Write down the working position you hold in the place of work on two pieces of pomelo leaves. If you are a general clerk now, write down the words "general clerk" and each leaf under the lining of each of the old shoes.

  3. Take another two pomelo leaves and write down your desired position (do not be greedy, take things slowly, step by step; if you suddenly write down "general manager", you may not deserve it and this may not work but may bring calamity) and place them under the lining of the new shoes. One leaf in one shoe.

  4. Wear your old shoes when going out or reporting for work and change to the new paire of shoes ast your office. Keep the old shoes under your work table. Change to your old shoes when you leave the office.

  5. Visit the work station of the position you wish to attain regularly while wearing the new shoes in order to increase the energy and magnetic field.

  6. Place the new shoes on top of the old shoes when you reach home. In this way, you will get promoted and be successful.

  7. After you have successfully achieved your wish, throw away your old shoes immediately and do not leave them in your house.

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