Thursday 18 December 2014


 The Anning Soup Kitchen is run by the Bao En Shi Temple
 Those above 60 who are poor are eligible for the free lunch
 Volunteers who help serve the food at the soup kitchen.  There are also volunteers who cook and also do the washing up

 For those who wish to donate, there is a list of necessities that they need for cooking.  These items can be sent direct to the soup kitchen at Jalan Masjid.
In Ipoh there are a number of soup kitchens.  One that I know of is the Anning Soup  Kitchen which is run by the Bao Su Shi Temple. The initiative for this kitchen was mooted by the chief monk Ven Gong Zhang.
This soup kitchen provides free lunch seven days a week and is located at 16A, Jalan Masjid in New Town. Lunch is served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. daily. Who is eligible?  Those above 60 years who are poor. They also serve food for the disabled and those who are unmarried. Food is served to about 80 people daily and in addition more than 80 food packets are delivered to the Chinese Temple Ipoh (behind TM), First Garden Flats, Silibin Flats and Buntong Flats.
Funding for the soup kitchen comes from the devotees of the temple and well-wishers. Farmers from Cameron Highlands donate vegetables in bulk. Volunteers help to cook and serve the food. There is a register of names of all those who come to eat and registration cards are issued. A daily register is kept on those who come to eat.  For further information call 05 311 1223.
The pictures above were taken at around noon time on Tuesday.  I had gone to Jalan Masjid to look at the new murals and stopped by at the soup kitchen.


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