Saturday 1 March 2014


By dint of hard work and sheer determination, Buzz and I have come up with the new gallery for the college.  This is the fruit of our labour.  I really need to thank all my colleagues and students who had willingly helped us in our endeavour.  
Technically the gallery is ready as we have managed to prepare the Batik Mural at the entrance, the History Room, the Innovation Room and the Theme Exhibition Area.
We now have a college gallery but then there is still work to be done.  Buzz needs to re-do the exhibition rack and will also be doing more labelling while I will be completing the main exhibition on Batik and a piece titled as "The Making of Gallery KVSM".    Then Encik Shukri, the technician, will add a new fan and do some repairs on the lighting. Encik Salleh will then help us to install the glass panes for the windows. We also will need to clear the unwanted stuff that we had placed outside the gallery and also do some cleaning and tidying.
Nevertheless, the two of us are happy to have a gallery to show to everyone.  We made a promise to our director, Puan Hajah Intan Suhana, to come up with a gallery by the end of February and we have done just that.  Only thing is that the re-launching ceremony will be in April.  Our labour is bearing fruit but it is not ripe yet and so needs some time to mature.

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