Monday 3 March 2014


Not realising that I was no longer young, I lifted a big piece of furniture in the college gallery all by myself on Friday evening. After that I lifted even more things before help came. It was only at night that I realised that I had sprained my right arm, right shoulder and my left hand. The pain got worse on Saturday morning and I was also getting a headache. By night time, my arm felt numb. I was in pain that night. On Sunday, I made an appointment to see my acupuncturist to get treatment. Rose said that I might need a few more sessions of acupuncture to become better. Alamak. I can't wait that long. If I am still in pain on Monday morning, I will go pay Dr Diong a visit and get her to give me some medication for this. After that I'll go see Uncle Cheong for Tui Na (Chinese traditional massage).

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