Thursday 27 February 2014


Some of my younger colleagues and students didn't really get it when I mention that I was going to get Vim when I wanted to clean some stubborn stains.  It was only when I brought the scouring powder that they realised what it was.  To me whatever brand the scouring powder may be, I still call it Vim.  
Likewise some of my friends will call toothpaste Colgate even though it is of another brand.  Same goes for containers, they are referred to as Tupperware.

1 comment:

JariJari said...

no...i call most containers as TAPAUWARE :D

pretty much ppl refer to items as what it was popular mother in law always say "kejap lagi nak Eletrolux karpet tu...!" while my elderly neighbour who once studied in UK would say " Kena Hoover lah dalam kereta ni" ....both of them are refering to vacuuming job hehehehheheh...amusing right?