Friday 21 February 2014


Sometimes when I am in a hurry to go back home, I leave my work desk in a cluttered state with laptop, books, notes and stationery on it.  Actually this is not good Feng Shui.  So I will try to make it a point to straighten my desk before I leave the work place.
Here is how I left my work desk on Thursday evening.  Read for yourself why you should leave your desk in a neat and tidy manner before leaving for home.

Straighten your desk before leaving work
At the end of each work day, clean your desk or any other work area that you use in your job. This lends closure to your day and prepares the way for a new beginning when you return. If you work with a lot of papers or documents, organize them in folders or neat piles, but be sure to leave a clear space in front of you or next to your computer... such an open space welcomes new information. It's an invitation to the universe to keep the flow coming toward you. If you don't allow open space on your desk, you can block new opportunities and the prosperity they are trying to bring to you.

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