Friday 14 February 2014


Since today is Valentine's Day and also Chap Goh Meh, I'd like to share another article on love here.  This one is by Feng Shui Master Lee Cheng Hoe.

预祝天下有情人花开结果, 恩爱白头偕老. Wishing all the lovers will love each other forever.

Would like to share this article from my book page 153-157......

How to enhance the relationship with your spouse?

I received a lot of queries from ladies who faced marital problems with their husbands. They came to me for help.

To enhance the relationship with your spouse, practise the Feng Shui remedies below:-

1. According to Later Heaven Bagua, North-West is the place for the master of the house. This is an important sector to your husband. If there is a missing corner in the North-West, the husband will not like to stay in the house for too long or there will be no male master in the house. In short, the house is inauspicious to the man. It is crucial to remove all magazines or pictures of any ladies from the North-West as that will boost the romance luck of your husband, there may be many ladies around him all the time. Instead, the wife should put her picture there. Or, you could put your family picture there. This will make your husband loves you and the family more.

2. Do you still hang your wedding photograph in your bedroom or has it been kept? You have to hang it back in your bedroom in order to enhance your relationship with your life companion. I notice a lot of clients like to hide their wedding photographs somewhere else especially those who have been married for many years. This will deteriorate the relationship between the couple.

3. Put away all flowers from your house whether they are real or fake flowers. Flowers induce romance. The same applies to the Chinese vase. If there are Chinese vases with flowers or pictures of flowers in the North-West or South-West sector, please remove them now.

4. Do not place a mirror facing the bed or stove. There should be only one stove in the kitchen instead of two as the stove represents the lady master. If there are 2 stoves in the kitchen, it means that there will be 2 lady masters. I have been to a rich man’s house for Feng Shui audit, there is a stove in the wet kitchen and another stove in the dry kitchen. I found that in fact the rich man has a mistress who is not staying in the same house!

5. The South-west is the lady master’s sector. Remove all magazines or pictures of men from the South-West. Instead, you should put your husband’s picture and your family photo there.

6. Mandarin Ducks, referred by the Chinese as “Yuan-yang” 鸳鸯, are featured in Oriental art and is a symbol of conjugal affection and fidelity. Mandarin ducks are regarded as faithful and lovely couples. You could place a pair of Mandarin Ducks decorative item near your bed to enhance your relationship with your life companion.

3. Often, you will notice that there are flowers that grow beyond the fence of a house. It symbolizes that the husband will have undesired romance outside. Please make sure that you trim the flowers if they grow beyond the fence.

To those who are looking for your life partner, how do you improve your romance luck?

For those who were born in the year of tiger, horse and dog, it will be great if you give your lover flowers or bring her to gardens as you need the ‘plant’ element in order to enhance your relationship with your loved one.

For those who were born in the year of snake, rooster and ox, it will be superb if you bring your lover for tours around the city in your car or go for BBQs because you need the ‘fire’ element in order to boost your relationship with your loved one.

Whereas, for those who were born in the year of monkey, rat and dragon, it will be fabulous if you wear white t-shirts and take your lover for ice-cream because you need the ‘gold’ element in order to improve your relationship with your loved one.

For those who were born in the year of pig, rabbit and goat, it will be amazing if you bring your lover to the seaside because you need the ‘water’ element in order to develop good relationship with your loved one.

Apart from that, to enhance your romance luck, you could put some flowers without thorns in a Chinese vase in your house. For instance, if you want to help your eldest son to find his lover, you could do that in the East of your house, as according to “Later Heaven Bagua”, the East is the sector of the eldest son. Nevertheless, you could put a picture of a beautiful lady in the East too.
