Thursday 30 January 2014


When Sending Off the Kitchen God, the Song Shen Ma will be used and for Inviting back the Kitchen Deity, the Ying Shen Ma (迎神馬 with a Sedan Chair and 4 assistants) will be needed.
In the Ancient Era, folks believed that, when Kitchen Deity returned to the Celestial Palace, he needed to reach the Palace within a certain allocated-time; by riding a Horse the Kitchen Deity wouldn’t be delayed (送神快). And when he returns to the Mortal World, he could sit inside a Sedan Chair to relax and allow the 4 assistants to slowly-sway the Sedan around till they return to the Mortal World (a joyous occasion to return to the Mortal World during the New Year period 迎神慢).
Today, a lot of people tend to use the same type of paper to do the Sending Off and Inviting Back.
On the Eve of Lunar New Year (年除夕), the Kitchen Deity must be back on the Eve to join in the Celebration of Ushering in the New Year.
When Welcoming the Kitchen God back from heaven simple offerings like Tea, a Set of Oranges, Incense-paper & Ying Shen Ma are prepared.  The welcoming back ceremony will usually be done in the late noon.


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