Saturday 7 December 2013


Warnings that white bread can cause bloating, lead to an increase in wheat allergies and spark weight gain.

White bread -- the ubiquitous soft and fluffy slices still favored by many -- has gotten a bad rap for years. Most hamburger buns, French and Italian bread, Kaiser rolls, bagels and pizza crust are also "white bread," and none of them are good for you, according to nutrition experts. White bread is low in essential nutrients, and may have an adverse effect on your health.
Refined Grains

A refined grain is created when a whole grain is finely ground and stripped of its bran and germ, the elements that contain fiber, vitamins and minerals. White bread is made from refined grains, which are low in magnesium, zinc, vitamin E, fiber and essential fatty acids. Even though some manufacturers add vitamins back in, natural whole grains are still a superior choice.

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