Thursday 19 December 2013


I have read about cases of people not realising that their relatives or neighbours had died in the house until they get a stench or they go for a visit.  This year alone, I think I have read of two such cases in the Malaysian newspapers. That is why we must make it our business to check on our friends or relatives if they don't come out of their houses for days on end.  
There is this story of a 38 year old lady in London who was  found in her flat only 3 years after she had died.
Yeah such things happen.  I wonder why her friends or relatives did not realise that she was missing.
The 38-Year-Old Woman Who Lay Dead for Three Years without Anyone Noticing

On January 25, 2006, officials from a north London housing association who were repossessing a bedsit in Wood Green due to rent arrears made a grim discovery. Lying on the sofa was the skeleton of a 38-year-old woman who had been dead for almost three years. In one corner of the room the television set was still on, tuned to BBC1, and a small pile of unopened Christmas presents lay on the floor. Dishes were heaped in the kitchen sink and a mountain of post lay behind the front door.

Having apparently died in late 2003, her remains went undiscovered for three years despite the smell of decomposition emanating from her apartment.

Due to the considerable decomposition of the body, the only means by which identification of the corpse could be achieved was through a comparison of the records of Joyce Vincent with a holiday photograph of her where she is seen smiling. The cause of death was never ascertained, again due to the decomposed state of the remains, but police believe that Vincent died of natural causes.

The episode is the subject of a film, Dreams of Life, the research for which revealed that the woman was an acquaintance of many influential members of London's 80s and 90s pop music scene.

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