Saturday 19 October 2013


In my younger days, the ladies of that time would swoon over all the actors playing the good guys, the superheroes.  Now that we are in a new century, things have changed.  The females (and also the males) are now swooning over the the bad guys and the arch villains as well.  Yeah, this generation of young people are falling for vampires and werewolves besides the good guys.
One notable swoon worthy actor is Tom Hiddleston who portrays Loki in the Thor and Avengers series.  This British thespian has made the character of Loki his own and people go to the cinemas not only to see the guy playing Thor but also the villain as well.  This fella can really act plus he got the whole physical package and that accent. In my books, he is in the same league as another British actor  I like, Benedict Cumberbatch.  He played the baddie Khan in the latest Star Trek and got all the hearts of the ladies a-fluttering.

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