Friday 4 October 2013


The Feng Shui of Letting Go — How to Shift Your Energy When You’re Stuck in a Negative Spiral
By Kathryn Weber

When it comes to feng shui and our lives we sometimes have to stop or interrupt the flow of energy that’s taking us in a negative direction. That’s because when life isn’t going the way we want, it could be a simple case of energy flow.

For example, a key feng shui principle is very similar to the physics principle of a body in motion stays in motion, or, in other words, energy continues to go where energy is currently flowing.

A friend once seemed to relish how difficult her life was. She’d tell me frequently, “this thing happened, and then this other thing happened….see how my life is? It’s just one bad thing after another.”

This person needed an interruption of energy.

That is, if she continued to fixate and go in the path she was in, she wouldn’t do anything but continue down the same, sad path, continuing to flow in the direction of negativity.

You have to let go of your attachment to that negative energy pattern if you want it to change.

In feng shui, there are times you need to interrupt the energy flow in your life and help it to flow in a new, positive direction, much like stopping the eye from traveling out the back window of your house when you enter the front door. If you don’t stop your eye (energy flows where the eye goes), your energy (read: money, physical vitality, opportunity) will go right out the window with it.

But there’s something more to think about when you’re thinking about your energy…..

Psychologists often say that we often won’t let go of a negative situation because we’ve either not experienced enough pain with the situation or what we think of as pain is actually something we enjoy. In other words, there’s something that we are getting out of our so-called negative situation.

In letting go of a problem, try assessing the following:

• Am I really, truly ready to move on from _______?
• And if so, what is stopping me?
• Or, am I really getting something out this negative situation?

You may find that even in a bad situation, you want to hang on to it because it validates your negative thoughts or opinions that you might have of yourself or your life. You may find that your pain becomes a sick friend.

You see, we get used to pain. We become accustomed to things being bad and take the opinion that that’s the “way things are” for us.

Awhile back, on my way to a size 14, I told myself that I was no longer going to criticize myself and the way I looked. I stopped all negative self-talk. I truly count this as the source of my undoing when I would try to make changes before. To date, I had held on to more than 30 pounds of negative self-talk and almost three dress sizes of self-critical comments. I’ve gone from XL tops to Medium, from size 12-14 to size 10, and I’ll keep working on making my way to size 8.

What’s interesting is that once I stopped criticizing and fault-finding, the weight started to go.

A friend of mine had a terrible car and she complained endlessly about it and felt there was no way she could get a new one. It was a bucket of bolts, but it got her from point A to point B. I told her she should stop criticizing and start blessing that hunk of junk or instant karma was going make it break down. Well, she started blessing her car, and then a new one with financing she could afford showed up.

She let go of the negative energy she was aiming at her car and shifted into a positive mode, and then something positive showed up for her.

Letting go of our old patterns and interrupting our negative energy is sometimes the best way to find our way out of a bad situation.

One cautionary note is that you have to be completely honest with yourself.

Do you enjoy your pain – is it a crutch, something to hold on to and blame for everything else in your life that makes you unhappy or goes wrong?

Ask yourself what you’re holding on to and consider what you want to let go of. That could include any of the following:

• Weight
• Pain
• People who hurt you
• Objects that you dislike or make you unhappy
• Ideas or concepts about yourself that are harmful or no longer useful
• Situations, like jobs or relationships that make you unhappy
• Clutter, paper, clothes, objects, furniture
• A mole, a wart, a physical aspect about yourself that you dislike
• Inconveniences or burdens on your time and energy
• Other people’s problems that are “given” to you
• Something that’s eluded you, like success, money, love, a certain clothing size

These are just a few of the common things that you might want to move on from. If so, this is the time to do it. The fall and approaching new year is a time of letting go and then starting over.

Letting go of the pain and frustration in your life unblocks your life so you can receive what you want – and that includes ideas, opinions and thoughts. And if you’re frustrated by an idea, such as lack of success, then give it up.

Let go of your attachment. You might find that your way out of a negative spiral – and that the path to your biggest gains — come from letting go.

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